Permaculture Network

The following is a list of websites with further information about local, Australian and global permaculture networks and related resources.

Local (Central Victoria & Melbourne)

Network centre for permaculture groups and activities by associated local groups in Melbourne and country Victoria.

Permaculture Victoria

Website of Ballarat master food gardener and educator John Ditchburn, with excellent information specific to the local region (including planting table). A practical hybrid of traditional organic, biointensive and permaculture approaches.

Urban Food Garden

Ballarat Permaculture Guild provides a focus for people in and around Ballarat who are interested in living more sustainably through implementing permaculture design principles and practices in their daily lives.

Ballarat Permaculture Guild

Ballarat climate action group with a broad range of projects including a focus on relocalisation and permaculture.


Australia’s first community owned wind farm at Leonard’s Hill south of Daylesford.

Hepburn Wind

Blog of renowned Central Victorian artist collective whose work reflects permaculture influences and activism. The site includes lots of excellent practical how-to videos.

Artist as Family

Provides an energising, accessible community space for you to learn, connect, create and grow with others in a way that enables you to add value to the health, resilience and viability of the Castlemaine region and beyond.

Castlemaine Permaculture Hub

A Melbourne-based group who run innovative working bees to design and implement edible home gardens. The website  includes links to many local permablitz groups. Permablitz was initiated by permaculture designer Dan Palmer and friends in 2006.


Very Edible Gardens (VEG) install edible gardens in Melbourne. The business was formed by leading permaculture activists from the Permablitz network including Dan Palmer and Adam Grubb, who also run an annual Permaculture Design Course. on which David Holmgren is a guest presenter.


Leading community organisation researching and demonstrating permaculture solutions in Melbourne.


Australia’s largest garden club with a strong focus on heritage seeds and organic gardening run by seed saving enthusiasts Clive and Penny Blazey. Started in 1978, the same year Permaculture One was published.

Diggers Club

Innovative Melbourne permaculture designer and teacher, well known for her artistic application of permaculture to balconies and small urban spaces as well as her Aussie interpretation of the best of Japanese traditional culture.

Cecilia Macaulay

Promotes a wide range of sustainable alternatives. Organisers of the Sustainable Living Festival, a major annual event in Melbourne in February.

Sustainable Living Foundation

A community group based in Hepburn and Daylesford in Central Victoria, focused on the urgent realities of peak oil and climate change and raising awareness about how these issues affect our community, and how to respond with a plan for the future.

Hepburn Relocalisation Network

A network of people living in the north-eastern suburbs of Melbourne, who love learning about and practicing permaculture.

North East Region Permaculture

Permaculture group based in the Western suburbs of Melbourne.

Permaculture Out West

Permaculture Group based in the South East suburbs of Melbourne.

South East Suburbs Permaculture Group


Milkwood provides online education, free guides and resources on permaculture design, mushroom growing, beekeeping and more. David Holmgren co-teaches their Permaculture Living online course.

Milkwood Permaculture

A 40-acre permaculture demonstration and production property at Gawler, South Australia run by Graeme and AnneMarie Brookman. One of the most inspiring permaculture places in Australia. Many courses run from the property including a yearly Permaculture Design Certificate course that David Holmgren co-teaches.

The Food Forest

The Australian permaculture magazine exploring all aspects of permaculture. Information and inspiration for incorporating permaculture into your life. Online shop featuring books and other related permaculture products.

Pip Magazine

Website of online mail order organic garden supply business in Maleny, Queensland, run by permaculture pioneers, Francis Lang and Jeff Michaels.

Green Harvest

A networking organisation connecting permaculture groups and activists in Australia. They run the permaculture charitable organisation, Permafund.

Permaculture Australia

Permaculture Tasmania promotes permaculture knowledge and practices, and aims to encourage discussion on permaculture practices and activities across Tasmania, sharing ideas, skills and building community networks.

Permaculture Tasmania

The Permaculture Research Institute is based at Geoff and Nadia Lawton’s Zaytuna Farm in northern NSW. This site includes a blog with a number of contributors and also a well-used forum, amongst other things.

The Permaculture Research Institute

Permaculture activities, events and resources in South Australia.

Permaculture Association of South Australia

South Coast of NSW demonstration site of permaculture teacher, activist and local ABC radio presenter John Champagne.

Brogo Permaculture Gardens

Nimbin NSW permaculture resource centre run by Robyn Francis, well known permaculture teacher, publisher and designer.

Permaculture College Australia

A large scale residential and community development south of Adelaide incorporating many aspects of permaculture design.

Aldinga arts eco-village

Tasmania-based permaculture teaching and networking partnership of Russ Grayson and Fiona Campbell with links to permaculture projects and events. Includes a memoir of permaculture by Russ that records and comments on much of the history of the movement in Australia.

Pacific Edge Permaculture

Presenter on the ABC popular Gardening Australia TV program who has popularised permaculture to mainstream urban audiences. Consultant and researcher in water harvesting and reuse in productive urban gardens.

Josh Byrne

Group promoting Natural Sequence Farming, developed by sustainable agriculture pioneer Peter Andrews. The Natural Sequence Farming methods of rehydrating floodplains using subtle earthworks and revegetation including use of willows reflects permaculture principles and our local work managing willows.

Natural Sequence Association

Pioneer of ecological agriculture research and leading researcher of the pyscho-social foundations of sustainability. Stuart Hill is a strong supporter of permaculture over decades and wrote the foreword to David Holmgren’s Permaculture Principles and Pathways Beyond Sustainability.

Stuart Hill


Movement towards more resilient and localised economies as adaptive responses to peak oil and climate change started in Britain by permaculture teacher Rob Hopkins.

Transition Towns Network

The latest information and opinions from around the media world on energy related issues including Peak Oil, Climate Change and sustainability solutions. Includes useful primers on Peak Oil, permaculture and many others.


Extensive website covering permaculture action in the UK and international links and resources.

Permaculture Britain

UK publishers of Permaculture Magazine, an excellent source of information on permaculture and related subjects, also book sales.

Permanent Publications

UK publishers and distributors of other books related to self reliance, including permaculture.

Green Books

US publishers and distributors of books related to self reliance, including permaculture.

Chelsea Green

Website of the U.S. permaculture magazine covering permaculture issues and news and resources.

Permaculture Activist

Agroecology research and teaching farm in Veracruz Mexico run by Ricardo Romero and Tania de Alba. One of a world wide network of centers demonstrating and disseminating agroecological principles and techniques with strong overlaps with permaculture. (Spanish language site.)

Las Canadas Agroecology centre

Demonstration and teaching centre in Willits California for biointensive methods of agroecology developed by John Jeavons, not specifically associated with permaculture, but a major influence on garden agriculture around the world.

Ecology Action

Website of Gaia ecovillage, leading South American centre of permaculture teaching and community living. (Spanish language site.)

Gaia Ecovillage

Website of organisation extending agroforestry systems to poor farmers in the semi arid zone of Bahia Brazil. (In Portuguese, Spanish and English.)

Permaculture Institute of Bahia

Writings by resource ecologist Haikai Tane, based in Twizel, N.Z.

Watershed Systems

Based in Wales, is one of the largest ecological education organisations in Europe.

Centre for Alternative Technology

An information network (with strong links to the permaculture movement) about intentional communities world wide.

Global Eco -Village Network

One of the most authoritative independent sources on the geology, economics and politics of global peak of oil and gas resources.

Association for Study of Peak Oil

The archives of a website devoted to analysis and discussion of energy and its impact on society. Includes a page dedicated to preparing for life beyond peak oil.

The Oil Drum

Our Websites

Holmgren Design also manages these sites further exploring David’s work:

This 500 page manual shows how Australians can downshift and retrofit their homes, gardens, communities and, above all, themselves to be more self-organised, sustainable and resilient into an uncertain future.


Website that presents an integrated approach to understanding the potential interaction between Climate Change and Peak Oil using a scenario planning model.

Future Scenarios

Melliodora is a small specialist publisher dedicated to producing a limited range of books and other media by David Holmgren, co-originator of permaculture, and other authors. Their titles aim to support individuals in their personal permaculture journeys.

Melliodora Publishing

Our Street is an illustrated book for upper primary school age children. It explores how suburban life changes between the 1950s and 2020s, and provides a positive vision of the future. Written by David Holmgren and Beck Lowe and illustrated by Brenna Quinlan.

Our Street

Holmgren Design is proud to partner with Permaculture Principles

Provides easy access to the permaculture ethics and design principles with clean graphics and simple explanations by permaculture graphic design professional Richard Telford.

Permaculture Principles

A local community group in Djaara country, Central Victoria Australia, that David and his partner Su Dennett are involved with. HRN runs activities and events to stimulate greater individual, household and community level self reliance and non monetary economy to survive and thrive challenging times and build a better future.

A website that provides easy access to the permaculture ethics and design principles developed by David Holmgren, with clean graphics, simple explanations and beautiful photos from past years of  the Permaculture Principles calendar.

A short book by David Holmgren, published on-line in 2008, that maps the potential interaction between peak oil and climate change using a scenario planning model that has continued to influence permaculture and kindred networks around the world, and inform David’s.

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